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Southampton, Saint Louis, MO 63109


Leadership Solutions

About This Project

Terrie Glass is a wonderful leadership coach and an all around great person! She has an air of professionalism, understanding and compassion. So, when she reached out looking for custom photography for her rebrand that showed off these characteristics, we were eager to work with her to discover her vision. Since Terrie works with clients in a variety of environments, from offices and event halls to local coffee shops, we scouted for locations that would give us different looks all in one space to maximize our time. Then, we hired professional models that had experience working with clients to help Terrie feel comfortable in front of the camera and draw out her natural charm. Finally, we had a hair, makeup and wardrobe artist work with Terrie and our models to change their appearance for each setup giving the illusion of different events.


This project was a joy to see come to fruition and provided a unique set of creative challenges that we were happy to solve.

Branding, PR/Advertising, Social Media